Stephanie Malia Krauss

Meet Stephanie Malia
Relentlessly focused on what it takes to thrive now and in the future.
I am an educator, social worker, and mom. Through my experiences teaching and running a school, I know that getting young people to succeed academically does not always mean they are thriving or ready for adulthood. This was true in my own life. As a high school dropout, I needed people and opportunities within and beyond school to help me succeed.
Today, I work with leaders in education, youth development, workforce development, and human services to develop and implement holistic and humane solutions that enable young people and their families to build livable, lovable lives.
I am the founder and principal consultant of First Quarter Strategies LLC, a senior fellow at the Boston University School of Social Work, a senior advisor for Youth-Nex at University of Virginia and Children's Funding Project, and a staff consultant for the Youth Transition Funders Group.
I have written two books: Whole Child, Whole Life: 10 Ways to Help Kids Live, Learn, and Thrive and Making It: What Today's Kids Need for Tomorrow's World. My work has been featured on NPR, PBS, US News, EdSurge, Scary Mommy, and more.
"Stephanie Krauss demonstrates her grasp of the youth mental health crisis we face today and provides the guidance we need to cope with it. This compelling new work is for everyone who cares about young people – not just professionals – and I’m so grateful she has contributed to our understanding with such focus and compassion."
- Chuck Ingoglia, President and CEO,
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
If you care for kids in any capacity, pick up this book right now. It's innovative, humane, solution-oriented, and both powerful and incredibly practical.
--Anya Kamenetz, Author, The Stolen Year