On this podcast with the New Hampshire ASCD affiliate, I talk with NHASCD executive director Jan Yost and my longtime friend, Kim Carter, about what Making It says about educators becoming currency-builders.
Listen here (~45 min).
This is a fun and rich conversation, in part because Kim and I were on the education frontlines together. More than a decade ago, she and I led similar nonprofits and schools, serving disconnected (or "opportunity") youth in our respective cities. At that time, there was no national network of schools like ours, and philanthropy hadn't discovered or decided to invest in "communities of practice" or "learning communities" yet. We were left to find and phone leaders like us. It's been a gift to travel the education road with Kim.
I hope you enjoy this conversation. If you are in the classroom or running a school, this is the one for you. We dig in deep to pedagogy, schooling, and practice.